Archive for November, 2011

Five Ways Split Placements Can Benefit Your Recruiting Firm

NPA has been in the business of fostering split placement opportunities since 1956. Obviously we are big believers in splits, since that’s the very reason for our existence. If you haven’t considered integrating split placements into your business model, here are some reasons you should:

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Tips on Getting Your Next Job Faster

Attend a workshop in Downtown Toronto designed to:

a)    help you develop the tools and techniques required to find your next job faster, and

b)    help you develop a marketing campaign that works

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Job Seekers Must Tap the Hidden Job Market

To some, the “hidden job market” may be old news, but you would be surprised at how many job seekers have never heard of it. The hidden job market accounts for a significant percentage of all jobs that are filled! Some sources have claimed this to be as high as 80% of all opportunities.

It may be easier for job seekers to search for opportunities within the electronic and written media but they may be missing the best jobs potentially available to them by not effectively utilizing non media sources for job opportunities.

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The way an employee is released from a job says a lot about an employer’s corporate conscience and professionalism.  Telling a person to leave is inherently a difficult challenge, with seriously negative results when mistakes are made.  People can be unnecessarily hurt, the employer’s reputation can be damaged and law suits can ensue.

Outplacement professionals can help you avoid making avoidable mistakes.  The primary reason employers need help on hand is to sharply reduce errors.  When a manager begins the release process, the terrain to be navigated becomes thick with opportunities to make significant mistakes.  A seasoned outplacement consultant is your guide through the minefield.

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